

Here is what you need before starting this course.


This course is meant for people with a solid understanding of the basic concepts of Avalanche. You should be familiar with these concepts:

  • Virtual Machines: What they are and what VM customization means
  • Avalanche L1s & Blockchains: What the difference between a VM, Blockchain, and an Avalanche L1 is

If any of this is unclear, we strongly recommend taking the Avalanche Fundamentals and Multi-Chain Architecture courses first.

Software Development

You will need a general understanding of Software Development. You won't have to write a lot of code, but you will have to understand some. Therefore, we recommend:

  • Solidity: Familiarity with most concepts of the language. All exercises will mainly consist of writing cross-subnet dApps in Solidity.
  • Docker: The advanced exercises in the latter part of the course will occur in contained environments for easy setup. It will help if you're generally familiar with the concept of containerization, docker, and docker compose.
  • Testing: Having some experience or familiarity with unit testing is ideal.

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